What is MMU?
MMU, or MessageMeUp, lets you send anonymous messages to friends. Getting
honest, constructive feedback from friends and colleagues can help you find your
strengths and areas of improvement.
Why is the MMU link not working?
You need to enable cookies in your browser settings. You can also follow the steps
- You need to open the Chrome Browser (recommended) on all Android and
iPhone devices
- Go to More menu > Settings > Site settings > Cookies.
In the top-right corner, there is a More menu icon.
- You need to make sure that cookies are enabled or allowed.
Is this safe?
It is very important that you understand if you have used an anonymous
messaging service, it is not possible to keep track of the identity of users who
send you messages.
- Messages sent to you cannot be traced back to their senders
- There is no way for us to figure out who messaged you
- Your concern is completely understandable, but that is how our website